I started this blog as an expression of my cooking 'ability' but also I wanted to express my emotions freely and not be judged accordingly. But unfortunately, or fortunately many of my friends read this so I don't want to scare anyone by writing anything weird or personal. Is that a healthy thing? I suppose a blog is a personal statement of one's thoughts and emotional wellbeing but at the same time, it soon becomes public knowledge as more and more people begin to read and get to know you as a person. I think for the longest time, I have managed to keep my emotions in check for the most part and have written about general items as not to give out too much of my 'soul'... However, even though I wish this to be a personal statement, it's nice to hear back from people via their comments to know that I am not alone in my journey through life.
So it is a conflict.. Conflict of my emotions and I don't know which is a better thing? To keep my emotions on the line and expect the evitable hurt and judgement or just keep my emotions in check and harden myself so I don't get scarred for life.
Now, I think I am getting personal... "It's just a blog" I hear you say.. but it really isn't.. It is a public diary for view and ridicule. There are times I just want to scream and express myself and my 'true' emotions, but I don't want them coming back to me in anger... does that make sense? I don't want to be judged on my emotional outbursts, surely we are allowed to have them, but at the same time, I do seek advice and value comments...
For example, when things in my personal life seem to be falling by the wayside, I don't want people (knowing our Lankan ability to gossip and exaggerate stories beyond recognition) who read this blog to go and tell so-and-so and so-and-so and I know I would end up in a fix...
What a dilemma?? Any ideas on how solve this issue that doesn't make me start up an annoymous blog :D
4 autographs:
Well, I started reading ur blog cos it was kinda interesting. I don't really know u personally. But yes, What u say is true. This is Sri Lanka after all. :D I don't really have anything innovative other than to tell u to start an anonymous blog :D Thats why when I started my blog I didn't tell others much that its me. But what I did was added them as just another blogger u come across randomly.
Sometimes ppl do get into trouble by expressing emotions, or even day to day events. I heard some incidents where ppl got into trouble through FB cos they published when and where they are travelling and at what time. :D it sounds funny sometimes. Anyways, being cautious is good :) and I like ur recipes.
I love your blog and recipes, I'm a producer and would love to make a show out of it. If your interested, mail me at junkie4baby@gmail.com
Nadiya de Lanerolle
although you said it. my suggestion would be go anonymous! you can rant and rave as much as you want and no one will know!
Love your blog!
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A blog on Sri Lankan contemporary architecture and photography.
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