So goes the song... And I ask you, do I strike you as a person with
nothing to do? Other than taking care of Sonny boy, Hubby and trying to organize things in my house, plus working at the store and my other work... Honestly, I tell you.. I think I am getting ahead of myself..
Recently, I have been getting calls from not one, but TWO people.. not unusual, I hear you say.. but these are people I absolutely, completely, truly do
not know... and why? I have no idea.. apparently, one of them got my number off another friend - again, someone I don't know.. and the newest one who decides to call me now, on the day I am feeling my poopiest, got his number from the former friend.. what the hell? I am in my late 20s, happily married(for the most part, isn't everyone), and a working mother.. I am not some jobless girl, looking for a soulmate via phonecall. Its not exactly appealing.. To add to it, he thinks I am Indian.. I guess its the name, but come on people.. if you don't know me, please don't expect me to be your best friend overnight..
The first guy constantly messages me - at 5am, no less and tells me not only to have a good day (woohoo!) but also hopes our friendship will continue to grow... errr what part of married do you not get.. FYI - I did tell him I was married and he should get some friends who he can deal with, and not bother me.. maybe he thinks I am playing hard to get??
Seriously, are youth today so bored with their own selves, they need to bother others? I mean, there's endless entertainment from Internet, to Playstation, to actual interaction with other people...what do these guys need to fulfill?
For those who know me, know I am a decent girl.. I am a loyal friend, and can be quite friendly.. but I don't take too kindly to people who think this is fun.. I have other things to do than sit on the phone with random people I don't know...
Sometimes I feel sorry for these two people... even the first guy admitted he has no friends.. well with manners like this, I don't doubt it for a second.. If they call again, I swear I will threaten them with the Police.. wait, I think that only works on Sonny boy.. hmmm
But seriously folks, is this a dilemma for most 'young' people? Maybe I've grown up, or moved on past this stage of my life, but is anonymous calls really the way to go?