Its like an unwritten Murphy's Law - if you are working hard on a presentation, the computer will inevitably shut down without explanation. This will happen especially when you forget to save your work. Why does this always happen?
One of my resolutions that I forgot to add was to work harder at my mum's company. So today, I sat down to do this presenation which is long-overdue. I actually had all my data ready, and all the information and pictures nicely laid out on the Powerpoint and right at that moment, instead of seeing my nice shiny document, I see a blank black screen. Not exactly the screen I was looking forward to seeing... WHY WHY WHY!!!
Now, at a totally different computer which seems to work (for the moment), I DON'T HAVE POWER POINT!! UGH UGH... maybe I am not computer literate..
1 autographs:
it happens to me every time i sit in front of computer to do something really important !!!!! :(
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