Again, I don't have proper quantities and it is really up to you and what you have available in your kitchen. My soup I made today had carrots, leeks, sausage, pasta and chicken broth.
First, you cook your pasta and get rid of the water. Then in the same saucepan (again, comfort and ease, not much washing!), cook the sausages. A tip - remove the skin from the sausages so it resembles meatballs. Cook them well and keep aside. Then add some garlic that is well ground up (this is optional but add a little, like a small clove per person). Add chicken stock and cook till boiled. Add the vegetables (you can add potatoes, carrots, leeks, cabbage, whatever you have at home). After its cooked, add the sausages and pasta. If you like, at this point, you can add some spinach leaves. That also adds a nice color to the soup.

It doesn't take long to cook, maximum 30 min and this is nutrious and yummy. For those living in cold climes, it is perfect to snuggle up to the couch and watch your favorite Christmas movies on TV.
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