Like most girls, I do like to go shopping. Unfortunately, UNlike most girls in Sri Lanka, I never seem to find my size. I am not HUGE persay, but I am not delicately proportioned either. I do happen to be 'voluptuous' if i am say so myself. I do have boobs (which most women's clothes in Sri Lanka do not seem to understand) and have a body which does look like I have given birth (which is the truth). So why is it so difficult to find any clothes here?
I was thoroughly disappointed with Odel - Kohuwela, Warehouse and Alexandra Place. Overpriced, and NOTHING available. Went to Cotton Collection, was almost blinded by the bright printed and casual wear. Dilly's - again, overpriced and catered to the boobless-skinny women which seem to dominate Sri Lankan mannequins. Tried the smaller stores in Thimbirigasyaya - again disappointing. The only shops that seem to have anything decent is Sista (but again, either too big or catering to the pregnant - which is not really the look I am looking for. I don't want to look pregnant if I can help it).
Why is it shameful to be a big bigger than everyone else? I mean, I don't think I am huge. But its so difficult to find flattering clothes in this country. I am sure there are people who are larger than the norm. Not everyone looks like they are suffering from malnutrition - well, considering the cost of living these days, it might be one idea why the sizes are so misaligned.
Everytime I see someone I haven't seen in a while, they say "Oh, you've put on" or the rare "You've lost weight!". Why do people in Sri Lanka have the need to tell you about how you look. Its not like we don't have mirrors, plus its not the best way to get someone to like you especially if you mention their size. How is that a conversation opener anyways? One day, someone said that to Hubby on one of his off-days, his response "Well, you've got uglier from the last time I met you" (this was to the statement - "You've put on from the last time we met").
Does anyone have any suggestions on where we can buy decent clothes at a decent price? I don't mind paying, as long as I don't have to squeeze myself into something unflattering or find something nice and that would fit me in a decent way. Please let me know in the comments. However, presents, bribes are always welcome :-)
2 autographs:
Have you ever considered No Limit? As far as men's clothes are concerned, I find that they have sizes even for my big frame...
i know exactly what you mean, have known many people who go through this. In other countries they have clothes of all sizes and it is not such a big deal. I really don't know why for Sri Lankans 'size' is such a big thing. But then if oyu think about it, 'food' is a big deal too. Notice how people always judge a wedding or a gathering based on the food and life revolves around meal times ;)
Good luck with the search, you are bound to find what you're looking for. Don't give up!
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