After a very very long time, we decided to call some friends over for dinner. I am nanny-less these days (as the woman I had before decided to leave me for a wedding.. later on I realized she has busted most of my cooking equipment, hence the abrupt leaving situation - that's a topic for another posting), thus I haven't had the time or energy to exercise let alone cook. is my best friend these days at work, although it doesn't seem to be the healthiest of friends..
Moving on, dinner.. So I decided to make a nice western style dinner with Lankan fusion. Menu consisted of :-
* Shrimp with Broccoli
* White rice (now you don't need a picture of steamed rice, do you?)
* Potato Gratin
* Stuffed Peppers with Couscous
* Coleslaw
* Grilled chicken
So my table looked kinda like this :-

Next posts I will give the recipes for each dish, right now its about 11pm, so bed time for me.. but the posts will come :-)
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