I know Halloween isn't really a day we celebrate in the Paradise Isle but it's a fun holiday. From the dressing up to recieving candy, what's not to love about it... But I read recently, there are definitely rules that cannot be broken on this day. Such as
* Make sure you check your candy (in case some not-very-nice person puts razors or something inside your candy)
* Never smash a jack-o-lantern
* Never blow out the candle
Since we are on the subject, does anyone have
a) good costume they once wore to a Halloween party
b) any spooky true stories they have experienced
My costumes ranged from Little Red Riding Hood (when I was small) to a sexy/slutty witch :)
My ghost story is a bit strange, like most of the stories here.. When i was 10, i had a best friend, we were friends since we were 2 1/2 years old. One night, i was counting flowers on the wallpaper to sleep and suddenly i saw 'people dancing' on the wall next to my bed. It was so strange, i recall not even being able to talk. Then one figure 'came out' of the wall and started talking to me.. i asked who are you, and she replied, cant you recognize me, i am your friend.. and i didnt believe it because she looked so different.. much older and much skinnier.. and she just said, i am now 16 and i will get very sick, please promise to take care of me.. and of course, i swore i would..
a few months later, her mum and dad moved abroad.. time passed and eventually she and i lost touch and i was 16. One random day, i got a letter from her mother telling me that my friend had anorexia and she is in hospital unconscious. But she keeps saying she told me, she would get sick and for me to come to see her and take care of her. Her mum was asking me how come i knew about this and never told anyone..
i know i didnt know, i didnt know she would get anorexia and when my friend's mum sent some pictures, i swear she looked just like the image i saw before..
Please send me yours, it will be fun to compare and read!