One of the foods I used to be obsessed about was the honey pork ribs you get in Singapore. I think in one of the food courts, maybe Tangs, they used to have this amazing pork ribs, so juicy and chunky and of course sweet too. It was delicious... I used to come home and experiment with different honeys - from bee's honey to our traditional kitul honey to jaggery, and it never came out quite right. However, this time, I think I got it and of course, I must share it with you :-)
I bought 2 racks of ribs and the marinade (remember, add as much/little as you like - but the sugar/honey amount is important... too much, and its too sweet, too little and you get a weird porky smell) is :-
2 tsp brown sugar (i added about 3)
2 tsp honey
3 tsp lemon juice
I splashed olive oil in the mix, enough to make the ribs juice and not stick to the pan
2 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
2 tsp paprika
2 large garlic cloves mashed/ground up
3 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tbsp dry mustard paste
Marinade well and keep in the fridge for a few hours... Ideally, make the mixture in the morning and you can have it for dinner.
Put into the oven, temperature is 190C for 1 1/2 hours. The main thing here is, don't let the meat dry out. So every 15 min or so, get your handy brush and baste (basically 'paint' the meat) with the drippings from the dish.
Unfortunately, there is not much flesh on the ribs here. I am going to try this recipe out on a pork chop and see how it comes out. If anyone tries on any other meat, please let me know :)
3 autographs:
You've said 2 tsp honey -- is that kitul treacle or bees honey?
Hi David, i used bee's honey but you can use Kitul :)
Cool, thanks. That's what I figured, but I thought I'd ask.
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