One of the writers I enjoy reading is Malinda Seneviratne.. His mother Indrani was a teacher of mine, and one of the people who encouraged me to keep writing and keep doing what I believed in. She also helped me when it came to my college applications, constantly pouring over my numerous essays and fine-tuning them to suit each university. One of my favorite memories of her and me is watching Baz Luhrmann's "Romeo and Juliet".. It was such a novel idea to her, to take such an age-old love story and modernize it in such a revolutionary way.. But I digress...
Today's article is about how the undergraduates in Sri Lankan universities are protesting something or the other at their Universities... When you really think about it, we have way too many people in kinds of government and local offices, from ministers, to deputy ministers, provincial counciliors to so many people in between, too many people leads to efficiency as anyone in the private sector will tell you. How can this country run when you have a minister for Minister of Water Supply and Drainage and a Minister for Water Management?? What is the difference.. and when you ask one person, they claim they are not responsible, then you ask the other, and you get the same response.. so stupid!
It is so sad that this country will never develop when we have inefficiency like this. I guess it wouldn't matter if the ministries and resulting deputies were working for the people, but instead we have a bunch of ignorant people working for the money rather than the country.
I went to an international school and people constantly give me grief about it, saying by going to school that caters to many foreigners, one doesn't develop a love for the country. Quite ironic, considering most of the people working in these government institutions are from very local schools... I ask you, if you loved someone, would you intentionally try and hurt them? Make them feel like they are not worth the very ground they stand on... Honestly, I don't think they love anything or anyone except their paysheet and the extra 'perks' of the job..
My mother always says, "Too much power in the hands of small-minded people is a dangerous thing" - it is so true for this little country.
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