Another favorite in our house is Fettuccine Alfredo. Its nice and creamy and you add lots of stuff to it to make it healthy or unhealthy :)
First, fry a finely chopped garlic clove in a little butter. Then as it bubbles, add some flour and make a paste. To this, add milk - you can add non-fat or normal milk, it tastes the same. Then as the milk boils, add some cream cheese and make sure it melts without lumps. Then add some grated cheddar or gouda or whatever cheese you have and mix well. Add the cooked pasta and Voila~! Fettucinne Alfredo!
To this, you can the following to jazz it up -
* Cooked Shrimp
* Broocoli
* Mushrooms - cook them first in the pan and then make the alfredo sauce in the same pan to add more flavor
* Chicken - Fry some chicken tenders (slices of chicken meat) and make the alfredo sauce
* Minced meat
* Sausages
The possibilities are endless :-)
As you may have noticed, I hardly add salt/pepper in my dishes. Its purely because I enjoy the natural flavors from the foods... Also, it is a matter of choice, some people like more salt, some like less, so it's upto you to decide
2 autographs:
Oh yum! and so convenient! *Makes note to try it out at home*
Heart attack on a plate !!
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