We, as a family are not really accident-prone (I am, but that's another story) but yesterday was a diaster. To begin, my nanny Deevi knocked her arm on the bathroom door. It wasn't that hard, but her arm went numb. Weird, but not serious...
Then, we went out for dinner, as it was Hubby's father's birthday. While waiting for us, the parents-in-law were nicely chilling with the small one on the chairs at the reception of the hotel. Being the naughty child he is, he was dancing on the couch. Anyway, when we came, he finally settled into the seat and was playing. He saw something on the floor and decided to reach for it, and yes, he fell, knocked his upper lip on the table and bit his lower lip. Quite an achievement for a 2 year old but a painful lesson. Needless to say, the howling, streams of tears, screaming began and we ran to the toilet to clean off the blood which by this time, was down his shirt, my blouse, arm. Poor bugger. However, being the witty man he is, Hubby decided to nickname his son "Bird Man" as his upper lip now resembled a beak. Good news, no teeth broken so he was ok. However, he was traumatised.
Then later, when we were all relaxed, and having drinks, Sonny boy remembered his small accident and decided to relive the entire experience by crying all over again. So I decided to go outside to the balcony to calm him down. But he was more concerned about my feet, so he demanded I wear my 4 inch heels. Knowing my accident-prone-ness, I tried to explain to the 2 year old that I will fall. But being my son, he was stubborn and between tears, kept asking for me to wear my shoes. So I did, and yes, and I fell. The good news, I fell on my knees and only lightly sprained my ankle and nothing happened to Sonny boy. However, again the shock of it all started him off again.
Then later on at dinner, Hubby managed to get served chilli. For some, this is nothing but for Hubby, it is a matter of life and death. Anyways, needless to say, that was a diaster.
To add to the issue, my mum got a severe knee pain. This is coming from a lady who can withstanding anything. She is an amazing human being.
Coincidence or fate? I have no idea.. All of us, within one family being struck down.. ugh.. Or maybe the Evil Eye??
1 autographs:
OMG!!!!! talk abt accidents, hope u all r alright esp the little one!!!!
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