Simply measure out 200g of self raising flour (or normal wheat flour with some baking powder) and rub in 75g of butter. Rubbing in literally means rubbing in - you get your hands in there and rub the butter with the flour until it becomes the consistency of breadcrumbs. The butter has to be very hard first, then chop it up into little bits and then rub in.
Add 75g of sugar (tip - 1 full tbsp = 25g) and add 75g of dried fruit - you can add more or less depending on how much you want. Then add 1 egg and mix. Its easier mixing the ingredients by hand. The mixture should be hard enough to manipulate by hand. If not, add 1-2 tbsp of water. Then roughly shape and place onto a greased tray. Pop it into the oven (220C) and keep for 15 min. Its THAT simple :)

Yes, its supposed to be misshapen ok.. Give me a break, I am sick!
Why this frenzied baking craze... Shouldn't I be resting.. well, the bad news is, my tooth still hurts and the dentist has probably NO idea whats wrong with my teeth. She told me to get an x-ray done and come see her again tomorrow.. I think she's seen me enough to last her lifetime.. Anyway, got the x-ray. I figured, the best way to avoid taking more painkillers (everyone keeps telling me I am going to end up the next Micheal Jackson without the white skin and the eccentric behavior) is to distract myself.. hence the baking...
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