Not the city, but the movie. Just watched it on HBO and i have forgotten what a powerful film it was. Released in 1993, just when the awareness of AIDS and gay culture became more mainstream, it follows the story of Andrew Beckett, a gay lawyer who gets wrongfully fired for being gay and having AIDS and his struggle to take his employers to court. Its a moving story, not just because its a gay story, but because it can apply to anyone who has gone through struggles and wants to find some justice in the world. Tom Hanks is amazing in it, loosing almost 30 pounds for the role and rightfully winning the Oscar that year for this movie.
Some of my favorite scenes/lines from the movie include
* The scene where Beckett is explaining Maria Callas's opera. The expression on Hanks's face is amazing, transforming from happy to saddness, and he is completely lost in the music. Great performance not only for this but also the beautiful translation of the lyrics
Andrew Beckett: "This is my favorite aria. This is Maria Callas. This is "Andrea Chenier", Umberto Giordano. This is Madeleine. She's saying how during the French Revolution, a mob set fire to her house, and her mother died... saving her. "Look, the place that cradled me is burning." Can you hear the heartache in her voice? Can you feel it, Joe? In come the strings, and it changes everything. The music fills with a hope, and that'll change again. Listen... listen..."I bring sorrow to those who love me." Oh, that single cello! "It was during this sorrow that love came to me." A voice filled with harmony. It says, "Live still, I am life. Heaven is in your eyes. Is everything around you just the blood and mud? I am divine. I am oblivion. I am the god... that comes down from the heavens, and makes of the Earth a heaven. I am love!... I am love."
* The scene where *spoiler* Beckett is dying and Miguel (the handsome Antonio Banderas) is gently kissing his fingers. So beautiful and poetic, it tells you so much of the love these two have for each other.
* The last scenes, where you see a young Andrew with his sister running around. Who would predict 20-30 years later this young boy, full of life, would be cut down at the prime of his life?
So beautiful, if you get a chance, do watch it...
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