Finally, after so SO long, we took a well-deserved holiday down south. Honestly, a beach fixes everything, what more do you need! Highlights of the trip included :-
* Two lovely walks on the beach, and sitting by the ocean watching the waves come in with my favorite two boys
* Collecting shells on the beach with M
* Swimming away, with the two boys - we bought a new lifeboat for M so he can swim independantly - you cannot keep the boy away from the water!
* Visit to Richmond Castle, an old mansion which belonged to a Mudaliya - basically a village headman. Its a sad story though, he built this huge mansion for his wife all before he was 21. He stole the idea from a castle in India, which belonged to his childhood friend - this Maharaja.. Anyways, he built it, and his wife and him couldnt have kids, so eventually they got into issues and fell apart. He handed his house over to the government of SL to make into a children's home and he left to Kandy. Wife was sent to her house. She is the aunt of JR Jayawardana's mother (former President of SL)
* Relaxing in God only knows how long
* Great BBQ at the hotel
* Meeting Sauyma after her wedding - yay!
* Complete and total relazation complete
It was a good break, honestly we should do it more often!
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