One of my favorite times of the day is early morning, where i feel the warm sunrise peeping in, listening to my son sing his usual morning tunes. He loves music, and sings his entire repertoire of nursery rhymes from "Old McDonald" to "Baa Baa Black Sheep", "Twinkle Twinkle" and has recently learnt "Wee Willie Winkie"... i guess listening to his nursery CD non-stopped has helped (it hasn't helped our sanity though - there's only so many times you can hear "Pop goes the Weasel")
Its a lovely time to contemplate and wonder what the new day holds.. The day seems full of possibilities, the time also lags slowly and you think you have more time to do things like go to the gym, take a shower, even catch another 40 winks, but unfortunately then that's when reality strikes and the rat race begins once again..
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