Hate to sound repetitive, but i do really love this. It inspired me to write my own list..
Love is listening to him singing a song, only to be interupted with a twinkle in his eye and an 'i love you' on his lips
Love is finally the dress you always wanted and finding it in your size
Love is the goofy look that your husband gives you when you haven't seen him in a while
Love is seeing the bathroom scales finally weighing you a kilo less than last week, although you ate too much chocolate that day
Love is hearing your son giggle in the next room, watching Mickey Mouse for the fifith time
Love is when your husband brings you a tasty cup of coffee when you are snuggled in the couch, watching a favorite movie
Love is the giggles you get from your son when you make funny voices
Love is the warm arm around you when the airconditioning is on too high
Love is the little hugs your small son gives you along with the goofy grin and 'eskimo' kiss (rubbing of noses)
Love is the sniffs your son gives you and makes you feel all tickly inside
Love is the thank you and the long hug after cooking all day
Love is the phone being put to charge when you were asleep, especially when you forgot where you kept it when you were awake
Love is being able to tolerate the occasional burb, fart or any bodily function and still love the person inside
Love is seeing a small piece of chocolate left behind after your partner has had a binge
Love is being taken on a spontaneous holiday after working hard all week
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